Risky Business

We all know that the producers’ aim is to make a profit. And it’s logical: like any company, they are moved by obvious interests:

  • Position in the Industry (I mean, having a predominance in a market segment against other companies)
  • …which allows them to be able to have at their disposal better human and material resources;
  • …which means they are able to tackle the biggest projects;
  • …which (they believe) will yield larger profits and cost-effectiveness.
  • Then, it’s sensible to think that every film will be considered a product to exploit economically. There’s nothing wrong with it.

    Simplifying a lot, let’s Continue reading Risky Business

    King’s Pupil

    The first thing you should know, I’m not a Stephen King fan, but I feel interested by the fact that many of his novels have been taken to the Big screen, though not always with great success. I’ll overlook the sometimes terrible or unimportant adaptations, and the overrated ones (sorry, but I don’t enjoy “Carrie” very much).
    For a great movie tour around King’s novels, Continue reading King’s Pupil