Create your own world: aiplanet

A virtual world for artificial intelligence.

Even though its development seems to have been stagnated for quite a long time, aiplanet is still a delicious piece of software which will always be worth downloading. The initial screen shows an empty blue sphere (actually covered by some water and an atmosphere too), which can be transformed into a living ecosystem by raising land, planting trees and placing animals on it. Are your oceans empty? just add some fish. Too much fish already? let the shark do its work. You can make all sorts of experiments in and with your small planet, from draining the ocean to flooding the lands, from modifying the climate to smashing asteroids (unless you place a missile defense, that is). All of this results in an experience which is half documentary, half game, and all fun. Thanks Dave, and good luck with your music!.

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Small, but playful

World´s smallest website

This statement poses the weblogsophical question about the background as part of a website or not, since the visual effect is attained by the solid colour which fills most of the space. Is then the container a mere shell or does it merge with the object inside? Whatever the answer, this site is a successful study in minimal usable design, with everything you would expect from a full- grownth site, and more. You can even practice piano! (it comes with a metronome too).

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Instant Holograms with no Chemicals

LITIHOLO “INSTANT HOLOGRAM” FILM allows you to see your holograms immediately, without waiting for developing or processing.

If you are one of those who believed in laser pointer holography and were disencouraged by some of its complexities (I was), you may agree that this sounds great. Self developing means no chemicals, which in turn means “safer” and “no need for a bathroom nearby”. At the price of $55 for 20 plates (or $40 if you previously bought their everything-you-need kit), it looks like a good deal.