This little thing that I present today is an origami brooch I “invented” a few days ago. I started from a hexagonal piece of paper, with the intention of folding a tessellation (that is, when you fold the paper so that it creates a seamless repetition of shapes). While working on it I decided to Continue reading Origami Tessellated Brooch
Tag: self
I am glad to announce that from tomorrow on this site will feature translations of articles written by author Carlos Bellido. Here is a little about him:
Carlos holds a MS in Computer Science by the University of Zaragoza. He writes articles related to Computer Game Development in his own blog, The long Tomorrow (in spanish). Most of these articles are of a technical nature; however, from time to time he also writes on his reflections about gaming and games. We will periodically feature translations of these articles.
Look forward to Carlos’ articles, starting with “Girls and video games”.
Chocolate Chip cookies
Today we feature the recipe for the “world’s best chocolate chip cookies”.
They are very easy to make and taste awesome, so grab your apron and go for it!
Related Article: Taste the Tril-o-bites
First of all, I would like to wish you all the best in these days and the following year 2006. 🙂
I am also pleased to announce that from tomorrow on this site will feature articles written by author Ángel Nogueira. Here is a little about him:
Ángel is an entrepreneur who works in his own consulting company, edan xestión. He has written many short stories and articles for magazines and the radio, and is a talented songwriter too.
Look forward to Angel’s articles, starting with “Christmas: a lovely bad dream”.
en(-v)eloop batteries by sanyo
I found out that sanyo has released a new brand of batteries whose name and design (in my opinion) closely resemble my own name and logo. I don’t know whether this is a coincidence or not, but at least I can show the facts:
This is my homepage:
This is the eneloop batteries´ press release:
And this is another logo of mine that I was already using in my projects:
Blogging with WordPress: my favourite plugins
(Last Updated 18.09.06) A few days ago I talked to a friend about the convenience of changing his site into a blog format. He liked the idea, and since I had told him about the benefits of using plugins to add functionality and customize the blog, he later wrote me an email asking me if I could save him some time by telling him which plugins I use. Here is the list (I’m using WordPress v1.5): Continue reading Blogging with WordPress: my favourite plugins
Adding an image to Black-Letterhead theme
Last Updated 23.02.06
Black-Letterhead is the name of the theme that I’m using as the layout for this site. It took me quite some time to figure out how to add the image for the header, and when searching for information I couldn’t find an “easy” answer; that’s why I decided to show here the code that I changed in case it may be of help to others. (disclaimer: I’m anything but an expert in this field, so I don’t know if it will work for you -but it has worked for me). Continue reading Adding an image to Black-Letterhead theme
Pulsars, Planets, Poms
A pulsar is a highly magnetised neutron star, with a radius of 10-15 km, having somewhat greater mass than the Sun which has a radius of approximately 1 million km. Radiation is beamed out along the magnetic poles and pulses of radiation are received as the beam crosses the Earth, in the same manner as the beam from a lighthouse causes flashes.
Listen to the sound of a Pulsar
Saturn is a source of intense radio emissions, which have been monitored by the Cassini spacecraft. The radio waves are closely related to the auroras near the poles of the planet. These auroras are similar to Earth’s northern and southern lights. This is an audio file of radio emissions from Saturn.
Listen to the eerie Sounds of Saturn’s Radio Emissions
POM is the short for Petit Objet Musical, that is, a Little Musical Object (…)They are offered as landscapes or “living sculptures”(…)I record typically two to three minutes as to get a detailed image of all the nuances in the sound, but these are only windows into conceptually infinite pieces.
Listen to Pom n.17 (which I also call “Forbidden Planet”, after the soundtrack of the classic movie).
Source: musicthing
It´s raining tags, alleluia!
Last Updated 28.02.06
I have been interested in tag clouds since I first knew of them, as they are a very effective way to highlight relevant elements among a cluster. As you may see in the cloud I added to the Archives section, there´s a number of words which correspond to topics I have written about. At a glance, you should be able to know which ones are more relevant, the more frequent ones the bigger and brighter, and clicking on any of the words will get to the list of related articles. Continue reading It´s raining tags, alleluia!
Glest 2.0-rc2 released
This version improves particle blending. You can see what the improved particle effects look like here.