The forces of Nature show themselves by making a feeble stream flow no less than by displaying huge forces able to change all beings; that precisely is the greatness of Heaven and Earth.
The Master said: I have no secret science. When an ignorant person asks me about something, no matter how shallow the question, I try to inform him or her the best I can, exhausting the topic in all its aspects.
He who is wise does not worry about external events, does not mind what others think of him, never loses calm and peace; if an external event kept him worried for more than a morning, he would not be a true wise man.
In the book titled Spring and Autumn there’s no account of a legal and fair war. Even though some wars have a certain appearance of legality and justice, those too must be considered unfair.
You search for the straight path far away and it is beside you. You believe that Goodness consists in making difficult things, when it is nothing more than making easy things with rectitude.
Meng-chi-che had great physical strength and admirable courage, but that cannot be compared to the sublime strength of Truth, which Tseng-tse possessed.